The 13-acre CBT-MDE Restoration Project site, part of the 29 acre North Farm Restoration Project, is a hidden jewel of the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The BARC facility contains over 6,600 acres of agricultural fields, offices, and research laboratories. The project site was previously composed of modified agricultural wetlands, disturbed upland meadows, and a comprehensive ditch network. Historic soil types indicate that prior to being converted to active agricultural production, the area was a headwater wetland and stream complex – likely a coastal plain seepage bog.
Restoration activities included installing aquifer connections; creating a stream channel; re‐establishing previously disturbed/degraded wetlands by restoring headwater hydrology/hydraulics and community composition, diversity and structure; installation of deer and goose exclusion fence; planting and seeding of native wetland and upland vegetation; re‐vegetation and creation of micro topography; and the treatment of invasive plant species. Construction on this project was completed in June 2017, and GTA serves as the long term / perpetual steward of the larger wetland and stream project.