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Flat Swamp Preserve

Flat Swamp- Hawk in Tree.JPG

This 386-acre site in North Carolina was historically forested wetlands but was converted to agriculture in the mid-1970’s resulting in severe degradation to water quality, soils, biodiversity, wildlife habitat and aesthetics. It is strategically located in the headwaters of Flat Swamp Creek, a major tributary to the Neuse River—one of the most threatened river basins in the eastern United States, which continues to degrade because of agriculture and urban development. The project restored the site’s former hydrology and forest vegetation. These restored forested wetlands are now providing a significant improvement to the water quality, biodiversity and habitat of this degraded section of the Middle Neuse River Watershed. They prevent nutrient and sediment pollution to surface waters in both riparian and non-riparian areas, increase nutrient uptake and sequestration and enhance sediment filtering, and provide improved wildlife habitat and an overall improvement in biodiversity of the area, in perpetuity. Green Trust Alliance has served as the long-term steward of this property since 2009.

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