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Land Protection and Stewardship

GTA is a nationally accredited land trust, placing us within the top 20% of land trusts nationwide in terms of our strategic, operational, and financial processes and controls. Land donors, agency funders, and regulatory agencies can be confident when engaging GTA in land conservation transactions. In addition to our accredited status, we are a cooperating land conservation partner with Maryland Environmental Trust, a land trust member of the Land Trust Alliance, a Core Member of the Southern Maryland Conservation Network, and we’re eligible to receive donated property and easements in MA, NJ, PA, MD, and NC. We can serve as the long-term steward for restoration and easement properties and have experience in doing so with properties and easements. In addition, we have experience in acting as a short-term steward of properties or easements being transitioned to public agency ownership. Click on any of the projects below to learn more about some of our current easements.

Horse Stall

Piscataway Headwaters Preserve

GTA stewards a 63-acre portion of the larger Walton Foundation property (126 acres) that is adjacent to and within the 100-year floodplain of Piscataway Creek near its headwaters in Prince George’s County, MD. 

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Mattawoman Headwaters Preserve

Green Trust Alliance is the Bank Sponsor and long-term steward for the Mattawoman Creek Mitigation Site (MCMS) located in Charles County, Maryland. A total of 80.9 acres of the property are permanently protected in the MCMS conservation easement.

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Flat Swamp Preserve

This 386-acre project site in North Carolina restored the site’s former hydrology and forest vegetation. These restored forested wetlands now provide a significant improvement to the water quality, biodiversity and habitat of this degraded section of the Middle Neuse River Watershed.

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